HSSN Privacy Policy

This notice is directed to the parents, students, and members of the Home School Support Network (HSSN) Online Academy, Clubs, and other membership services.

Parents consent to the following terms of use and privacy policies by enrolling their child or children in classes or clubs with the Home School Support Network. The privacy information collected includes names, email addresses, and cities of residence. The Home School Support Network will use privacy information to interact with members, students, and parents related to online classes and/or extracurricular activities associated with this web site, classes, or clubs. Students have the ability to edit their profiles to include additional information not listed above including but not limited to pictures and other "description" information in free-text form fields. Parents are responsible for monitoring their child's activity on this site to ensure privacy information being shared is authorized and approved by the parent. Privacy information will not be shared with other organizations without explicit written consent from parents.

Our site uses cookies which are necessary to give each user the best experience possible. 

You may request that your privacy information and/or your child's privacy information be removed from this site at any time by contacting the HSSN director:

195 Ryefield Ln.

Ridgeville, SC 29472

This policy is subject to change. Updates will be posted prominently on this web site and via email to all students, members, and parents.

Last modified: Wednesday, 8 April 2018, 10:00 PM